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Rent Increase Rate for February

Turkey Statistical Institute as the third day of the month every month, announced the inflation figures of the previous month. In this context, the institution WPI announced the CPI figures. The rent increase rate determines the highest rate of raise your landlord or business owner will apply. The 12-month CPI average of February 2021, announced by TURKSTAT, was calculated as 12.53%. The highly anticipated inflation figures continued to rise. Turkey Statistical Institute on the previous month in the CPI 2021 January calculated by TurkStat 1.68% of the previous year compared to December of 1.68%, 14.97% compared to the same month of the previous year and twelve-month 12.53% compared to the average increased. housing sales in Turkey was 1,393,335 21.5% increase compared to the same period of the previous year in January-November period in 2020.


Land Rent: 1000 TL

TURKSTAT WPI CPI January 2021 Rent Increase Rate: 12.53%

Rent Increase Amount for February: 125,30 TL

Increase in February 2021 Rent Increase Rate: 1.125,30 TL

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